Do I even remember?
Project Proposal
In my previous projects, I have used multiple media to produce work inspired by lots of very different concepts. In my previous projects, I’ve used lots of drawing and photo montage to develop my ideas and I will continue to do so as I feel that these two methods help me to progress further into the idea. Previously, I’ve not been so good at conceptual research and that is something I want to change because it often helps the meaning of the project to be better solidified. For my first few projects, I’ve also been quite keen on realising my first responses and ideas and then developing only the ones that worked the best. This helps me to streamline my workflow and ensure that my work is always purposeful. I want to continue working this way. My first project was about a child and their journey and seeing things through a child’s eye. This will form a good foundation for this project on ‘nostalgia’ because I want to continue looking at life through the eyes of another person and I want to focus on childhood.
Project Concept
For this project, I’m not going to expand on what I did in my first negotiated brief because I definitely wasn’t finding it interesting by the end. I am going to start a new project inspired by the feeling of nostalgia. I really love feeling nostalgic and could spend hours looking through old photos (mine or my parents/friends) and listening to music I once listened to when I was younger. I want to do all types of research, both conceptual and visual. In terms of conceptual research, I want to do interviews to better understand how others experience nostalgia and I want to read articles to better understand how other cultures view nostalgia. Visually, I want to find inspiration for the aesthetics of my various outcomes and I want to learn how to carry out different techniques that I haven’t explored such as screen printing. Nostalgia is quite a personal thing but I want to look at it, not only from a personal perspective, but also from others’ perspectives. I want this project to allow me to have a better understanding of how nostalgia works and the emotions associated with. I also just want to be able to hear people tell stories that make them nostalgic because this is one of my favourite things to do. As of yet, I’m unsure of the specifics of the project because I think my initial research will help me to create some more grounded ideas. I do have some general materials I want to use such as fabric to create a blanket/tapestry and film.
Project Concept
To evaluate, I want to use my reflective journal and add to it every Friday. Based on the current situation, I think reflection will help keep me on track and will make me more aware of what I will need to do in the next week to ensure I achieve my end goal.
I will also ensure that I use annotations in my sketchbook and of my research to keep my ideas and responses flowing. I find this most helpful because I am very visual and seeing it all on the sketchbook page is most effective for me.